Ellipsometer measures the Y
and D at different incident
angle (or even at different wavelength). A general
configuration of ellipsometer is illustrated as:
According to the operation mode, ellipsometer can be classified
into rotate elements, polarization modulation and null
ellipsometer. Polarization modulation is, in fact, only a
way to avoid the rotate components by using polarization
modulation devices (it offers the benefit of fast operation and
less mechanical vibration). A null ellipsometer normally
need human being to interact to find a condition in which the
reflected light is nulled at the detector. This needs to
be implemented by adjusting the azimuth angle of polarizer, wave
plate and analyzer. Even though very accurate, null
ellipsometer needs patience and experience to find the nulling
condition. Rotating elements ellipsometer has several variants,
including rotate polarizer or analyzer (in both case, the wave
plate might be absent) and rotating wave plate. The
intensity at the detector side is measured as a function of
rotating angle, and be analyzed by Fourier analysis to determine
the polarization state change. They are normally called
photonic ellipsomter because the way to measure optical energy.
Because the fast operation, photonic ellipsometer normally can
take tens or hundreds of measurements to average off the random
Another widely used method to classify the
ellipsometer is by the light source. The abbreviation SWE
means single wavelength ellipsometer, which means a
"monochromatic" light source -- normally a laser -- is used as
light source; while SE is the short name for Spectroscopic
Ellipsometer, which means the light source covers a spectrum
range. There are also Discrete Wavelength Ellipsometers
which applied several discrete wavelength.
For a bulk material, a measurement at single incident angle is
enough to determine the refractive index and extinction
coefficient. For films with known refractive index and
extinction coefficient, it can be used to determine the
thickness. However, in reality the measurement itself is
not as simple as measuring a bulk material. Refractive
index and extinction coefficient of a film might differ greatly
from the bulk materials due to the effect of the substrate on
which it grows as well as the growth condition. Things get
more complex with multiple layer stacks. These changes
make the refractive index and extinction coefficient an unknown
variable, and makes manual solution of the equations almost
impossible. Therefore, modern ellipsometers need to be
equipped with powerful software, not only for the hardware
control and data acquisition, but also the data analysis.
The processing of the experiment data (which normally only the
records of incident angle, wavelength, Y
and D) starts from make a model to
describe the film stack. With a correct model, the
software then carries out a minimum searching based on an
elevation function (which normally the MSE- mean square error)
according to the variable specified. Because the minimum
search algorithm is normally ended up with a local minimal
point, the starting point plays an important role in the result,
with The modeling process is very important to the correctness
of the result.
